Kinesiology Tape Strip Application:
Some techniques also utilize a Y-Strip or X-Strip. Follow the recommended instructions for now. Once you become more familiar with taping techniques, we encourage you to start developing your own applications. Just make sure you read and understand the adverse reaction section.
Kinesiology Tape Strip Application “I”
The application of the I technique follows the same basic principles as the Y technique. Instead of surrounding the muscle belly, the tape strip is applied directly over the area of injury pain. This technique has been found to be most effective following acute injuries to the muscle. Immediately following a muscle injury, the I technique should be applied. Then, after the acute injury phase, the practitioner may find increase results by switching to the Y technique.
Kinesiology Tape Strip Application “Y”
With the skin properly prepared, base applied with no tension, and muscle/ tissue on a stretch, it is now time to apply the Stark strip. Surround the muscle to be taped by laying down one of the two tails of the “Y” strip. Tension is applied evenly along the tail. As the tape is being laid down, follow behind with a thumb or finger and rub the tape onto the skin to initiate glue adhesion. When the tail of the tape is approximately one of the two inches from the end, stop tension and lay the end down with no tension. Again, rub the applied tape strip to initiate glue adhesion prior to moving the muscle from its current stretched position.
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Where appropriate, place the muscle in a second stretch position to apply the second tail of “Y” strip. Follow the above description for the second tail. A three Y technique may also be selected. The third tail is applied directly over the muscle belly. Once the basic application is complete, it is important to instruct the patient about a few areas of concerc. The tape needs approximately 30 minutes to gain full adhesive strength. Exercise or activities which may initiate perspiration should not occur during this period. The tape can be worn for 3-5 days and bathing or swimming is allowed. It is important to pat the tape dry and not use any type of heat device to dry the tape. The patient also needs to be comfortable with wearing the tape in a public setting.
Kinesiology Tape Strip Application “X”
The X application follows the same principles as the Y and I techniques. The length of the X is measured with the muscle on a stretch. This is important, since X technique is generally used for a muscle which crosses two joints and when it is maximally stretched it may greatly increase in length. The stretch is added to the middle 1/3 of the X strip, placed over the muscle belly and the tails are laid down with no tension.
Kinesiology Tape Strip Application “FAN”
The FAN strip is applied with the muscle in a stretched position. For lymphatic correction, none to very light, 0-15% of available tnsion is added to the Fan Strips tails (4-8). The Fan Strip tails are laid over the area of edema or swelling, with the base located in the area of a lymphatic duct.
Kinesiology Tape Strip Application “WEB”
Cut the middle of Stark Tape into 4-8 strips. The Stark Tape is cut allowing for each end to remain uncut. Place patient in as much range of motion as the joint will allow. Apply one base, remove the web strips, add very light 0-15% of available tension and apply the second base.
Kinesiology Tape Strip Application “DONUT”
Cut the middle of Stark Tape into 4-8 strips. The Stark Tape is cut allowing for each end to remain uncut. Place patient in as much range of motion as the joint will allow. Apply one base, remove the web strips, add very light 0-15% of available tension and apply the second base.