Resistance band, fitness band, Starktape exercise band– this prop is known by lots of different names. But, regardless of what you call it, the stretchy resistance band has many great properties making it the perfect addition to any Pilates workout. Muscle toning, strength, flexibility improvement and physical therapy are just a few benefits of the perfect Pilates training.
For Pilates fans looking for a challenge, this prop can make both mat and equipment exercises more difficult. Plus, including it in a mat routine creates new and exciting exercise possibilities.
And its benefits don’t end there.
Like other Pilates props, the resistance band is cheap, convenient, super lightweight with portable carrying pouch. It is also easy to roll up and store at home or carry in a suitcase.
The more you learn about the advantages of the resistance band, the more likely you are to use it.
What is Starktape resistance band?
Starktape Resistance bands are made from non-latex elastic, non-allergenic with excellent elasticity.
5 FT. LONG by 6 INCHES WIDE, suitable for Every Fitness Level, Men & Women, from beginner to advanced: Your exercise bands set comes in five different resistance levels: Yellow – x-light 5lbs, Red – light 10lbs, Green – medium 15lbs, Blue – heavy 20 lbs, Gray – x-heavy up to 30lbs. You can easily tailor your training depending on your strength, ability, and comfort.
These various bands are designed to be used for different purposes, and it can be helpful to have a range of them in your home collection.
Having said that, the standard design can be adapted to suit most exercises.

Research has proven that resistance band provides as much benefit in fitness health and strength gains as weights training equipment. Just give it a try and see how would you feel after using the Starktape pilates bands.
Want more? Keep your eyes peeled for our future posts on small props exercises. They’ll be coming soon. In the meantime, check out these resistance bands.
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